There are various models to describe the levels of the mind from Freud’s Conscious preconscious and unconscious, to Jung’s collective conscious. One simple way that I like to understand the mind is conscious and unconscious. The conscious mind is everything you are currently focused on and the unconscious is everything else stored in your mind […]
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Do you say to yourself I’ll be happy when…..? My ex-husband was one of these people. He said ‘I’ll be happy when we have our own home’, so we worked towards getting our own home. And when we got there he said ‘I’ll be happy when we have some more income’ so we worked towards […]
Looking for Mr (or Mrs) Right? Trusting in God or the Universe or whomever you believe in is a good starting point. Remember we get what we focus on so believe that your perfect partner will find you. Give the universe a helping hand – get connected with life. Join a group that interests you […]
The information that makes it past the first filtration system, then gets processed by our brain by passing through our memories of other similar events and what meanings we placed on them, past decisions, values, beliefs and attitudes. This gives us what is called an internal representation of the event. Once we have filtered all […]